Ausgewählte Joe-Meek-Produktionen in Notenausgaben 1962 Selected Joe Meek productions in sheet music editions 1962
Komponist/Texter, Titel; in Klammern Interpret, Firma und Produktionsdatum der von Joe Meek produzierten Einspielung. Die Wiedergabe der Noten an dieser Stelle ist aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen leider nicht möglich. Composer/lyricist; in parentheses singer, company and date of the recording produced by Joe Meek. Unfortunately, due to copyright reasons it's not possible to reproduce the scores here.
[ Intro | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 ]
Geoffrey Goddard: Lover Please Believe Me (Grazina, ??-1962) Es liegt keine von Joe Meek produzierte Aufnahme dieses Stücks vor.
Les Reed/Geoff Stephens: Here's Hopin' (Carter-Lewis & The Southerners, RGM ??-62)
Robert Duke (= Joe Meek): It's Just A Matter Of Time (Mike Berry, RGM 01-1962)
Robert Duke (= Joe Meek): Walk With Me My Angel (Don Charles, RGM 02-1962)
Geoffrey Goddard: Lone Rider (John Leyton, RGM 03-1962; see also 1961)
John Lawrence Finneran / Vincent C. Finneran: Dear One (Tony Victor, RGM 04-1962)
Robert Duke (= Joe Meek): Love And Fury (The Tornados, RGM 04-1962)
Robert Duke (= Joe Meek): Mr. Lovebug (Iain Gregory, RGM 04-1962)
Geoffrey Goddard: Lonely City (John Leyton, RGM 04-1962) Die Drucke sind, abgesehen von der Coverfarbe, identisch. The prints are identical aside from the cover colour.
Bob Roberts / Ruth Batchelor: The Hermit Of Misty Mountain (Don Charles, RGM 05-1962)
Alan Klein: Striped Purple Shirt (Alan Klein, RGM 05-1962)
Alan Klein: Three Coins In The Sewer (Alan Klein, RGM 07-1962) Eine freundliche Veralberung des Erfolgstitels Three Coins In The Fountain aus dem gleichnamigen Film von 1954. A friendly spoof on the hit song Three Coins In The Fountain from the film of the same name from 1954.
Terry Gilkyson: Down The River Nile (John Leyton, RGM 07-1962)
Joe Meek: Telstar (The Tornados, RGM 08-1962) Oben: Britische und norwegische Ausgaben, unten - ohne Erwähnung der Tornados - die U.S.-Ausgabe (wahrscheinlich ein Reprint von Januar 1966) Top: British and Norwegian releases, bottom without mentioning the Tornados: U.S. release (probably a reprint from January 1966).
Geoffrey Goddard: My Baby's Crazy 'bout Elvis (Billy Boyle, 09-1962) Keine Meek-Produktion; musikalische Leitung: Charles Blackwell, Produktion: Robert Stigwood. No Meek production; musical director: Charles Blackwell, producer: Robert Stigwood.
Cy Coben / Jack Fishman: Always On Saturday (Andy Cavell, RGM 10-1962)
Geoffrey Goddard: Lonely Johnny (John Leyton, RGM 10-1962)
Tommie Connor: The Coalman's Lament (Ray Dexter, RGM 11-1962)
Wayne P. Walker/Webb Pierce: It's My Way Of Loving You (Don Charles, RGM 11-1962)
Joe Meek: Magic Star (Kenny Hollywood, RGM 12-1962) Nach dem Erfolg von Telstar produzierte Joe Meek flugs eine Gesangsfassung, die allerdings floppte. Mit Recht. After the success of Telstar, Joe Meek very quickly produced a vocal version, but it didn't sell. Rightly.
Geoffrey Goddard/Joe Meek: Don't You Think It's Time? (Mike Berry, RGM 12-1962) Der Titel der Platte lautet "Do You Think It's Time?" The record is entitled "Do You Think It's Time?"
[ Intro | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 ]
Abbildungen / Pictures: Sammlungen / Collections Harald Bluschke, Thomas Meyer, Jörg Richard, Henry J. Jensen, John Leyton, Kevin Walsh; Rock'n'Roll-Schallplattenforum [Home] [Joe Meek Portrait] [Complete Recordings] [Meek Compositions] [Goddard Compositions] [Triumph Story] [CD Discography] [Noten/Scores] [Telstar Cover Versions] [Meek in Germany] [Literature, Documentaries etc.] [Miscellaneous] [Links] [About] [Contact] [Sitemap] © 2006 Jan Reetze last update: Nov 7, 2010