Ausgewählte Joe-Meek-Produktionen in Notenausgaben 1961 Selected Joe Meek productions in sheet music editions 1961
Komponist/Texter, Titel; in Klammern Interpret, Firma und Produktionsdatum der von Joe Meek produzierten Einspielung. Die Wiedergabe der Noten an dieser Stelle ist aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen leider nicht möglich. Composer/lyricist; in parentheses singer, company and date of the recording produced by Joe Meek. Unfortunately, due to copyright reasons it's not possible to reproduce the scores here.
[ Intro | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 ]
Marty Wilde: Teenage Love (Michael Cox, RGM 01-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Lone Rider (instrumental version by The Fabulous Flee-Rekkers, RGM 06-1961; vocal version by John Leyton, s. 1962)
Geoffrey Goddard: Johnny Remember Me (John Leyton, Triumph/RGM 07-1961) In den Noten findet man noch den Text, den Geoff Goddard ursprünglich geschrieben hatte: "I hear the voice of my darling, the girl I loved who died a year ago." Da die BBC durchblicken ließ, man werde diese Platte nicht spielen, solange darin der Tod so unmittelbar erwähnt werde, änderte Goddard den Text. Auf der Platte war dann "... the girl I loved and lost a year ago" zu hören. Was die Sache eher noch geheimnisvoller machte. The score still shows Geoff Goddard's original lyrics: "I hear the voice of my darling, the girl I loved who died a year ago." The BBC gave to understand that this record wouldn't be played as long as the death would be mentioned that explicitely, so Geoff changed the line. On the final recording "... the girl I loved and lost a year ago" was to be heard. Which made the thing even more mysterious.
Bill Crompton / Richard Jones: Cover Girl (Michael Cox, RGM 08-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Tribute To Buddy Holly (Mike Berry, RGM 09-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Wild Wind (John Leyton, RGM 09-1961)
Robert Duke (= Joe Meek): You Took My Love For Granted (John Leyton, RGM 09-1961)
Len Praverman: The Girl On The Floor Above (John Leyton, Triumph/RGM 10-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Seventeen Come Sunday (Gerry Temple, RGM 10-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Girl Bride (Geoff Goddard, RGM 10-1961)
Doris Jillette: Can't You Hear The Beat Of A Broken Heart (John Leyton, RGM 11-1961, s.1960 Danny Rivers)
Barry White (= Robert Charles Kingston) / Geoffrey Goddard: Two Timing Baby (Carter-Lewis & The Southerners, Ember 12-1961)
Geoffrey Goddard: Son This Is She (John Leyton, RGM 12-1961)
Und hier ein John-Leyton-Album mit neun Songs; ??-1961 And here's a John Leyton album with nine songs; ??-1961
[ Intro | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 ]
Abbildungen / Pictures: Harald Bluschke, Thomas Meyer, Jörg Richard, Henry J. Jensen, John Leyton; Rock'n'Roll-Schallplattenforum [Home] [Joe Meek Portrait] [Complete Recordings] [Meek Compositions] [Goddard Compositions] [Triumph Story] [CD Discography] [Noten/Scores] [Telstar Cover Versions] [Meek in Germany] [Literature, Documentaries etc.] [Miscellaneous] [Links] [About] [Contact] [Sitemap] © 2006 Jan Reetze last update: May 3, 2010